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John Muir & Connector Trail Work Day

We're fast approaching the Fall Color Festival coming up on September 28th and we're gathering twice in September to get the trails ready for some heavier traffic.

While our goals are largely focused on trimming back overgrowth and getting the grass mowed both at John Muir and some of the Connector, depending on how many people show up, we may be able to tackle some trail repair as well.

We will happily prepare lunch in thanks for your efforts.
We will also provide some delicious snacks and beverages.
And we will, of course, give many, many thanks for your contribution to the continued access and enjoyment of the mountain bike trails.

We’ll have many tools available, but If you're willing, please bring:
- String trimmers
- Hedge trimmers
- Weed eaters
- Loppers
- Hand clippers

Wear long sleeves and pants as a precaution to poison ivy and the scratchy stuff.

We appreciate help from everyone; you don’t have to be a SKORR member. We all ride the trails, so let’s work together!

We will meet at the John Muir parking lot starting at 8am. Once we’re all present, we will break into groups. Groups will then hike in or be dropped at various locations to tackle the areas that need the most attention.

August 24

Emma Carlin Trail Work Day

September 21

John Muir Trail Work day