SKORR membership is a great way to show your support to the Southern Kettle Moraine mountain bike community. There are different types of memberships. Please see the details in the descriptions below.

In addition to providing support to an organization that is dedicated to maintaining and improving mountain biking in the Southern Kettles, you will also receive the following benefits and more depending on the level of membership:

  • SKORR Member Sticker

  • Voting rights for all board elections and club direction

  • Access and discounts to events

Thank you to our Founding Members!

Adam Ingersoll ~ Tom Flynn ~ Ellie Thompson ~ Chad Karl ~ Mark Hanson ~ Peter Wisniewski ~ Brian Goedland ~ Ernie Huerta ~ Arthur Verick ~

Adam Ingersoll ~ Tom Flynn ~ Ellie Thompson ~ Chad Karl ~ Mark Hanson ~ Peter Wisniewski ~ Brian Goedland ~ Ernie Huerta ~ Arthur Verick ~