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Public Meeting #1


APRIL 13, 2023 - 6pm - 9pm

Valley View Lounge

(2nd floor in main ski lodge)

Alpine Valley Resort - W2501 County Road D Elkhorn, WI 53121


6:00pm Arrival

Sign in

Register for raffles

6:30pm Welcome, Introductions & Acknowledgments

  • What SKORR has accomplished so far

  • Review budget

  • Goals for this season

  • Trail Boss updates

  • Trail Work Days & Calendar of events

7:15pm James Wamser - Fall Color Festival

  • Registration is open!

  • Ask for volunteers

    • Sign up via website

7:25pm Membership

  • What does it mean to be a SKORR member

7:45pm Q & A

8:15pm Raffle Drawings

8:30pm Meeting adjourned

  • Register to become a member

  • Sign up for trail work days

9:00pm Thank You and Goodnight!

April 15

Keep Emma Emma Trail Work Day #1